Monday, March 31, 2014

What to Say When You Hear the Naysayers....

The nattering nay bobs of negativity can be a real downer. Thankfully these people represent a very small fraction of the people who generally like the idea of mass transit. It reminds me of those guys who railed against an expansion of the federal highway system, or the same people that said that the internet would never catch on. So how to reply to them when they spout off about how bad the train is/will be?

Sunrail has it's fair share of these guys...
"With the exception of a few hippies who can ride their bicycles (LOL) to their low-income jobs, no one will use this colossal waste of money." - Professional Naysayer

Trains as whole aren't about making money. Rather they bring economic development and mobility to urban and suburban areas. They facilitate growth, and help to create more sustainable development over the long term. They reduce traffic, and give job opportunities to a wider array of workers. They get the people to where the jobs and activities are.

Sunrail is here, and its about to open some huge economic opportunities to everyone democrats, republicans, and independents alike. If you're in the engineering, construction, real estate, marketing, or advertising fields, you're about to see a real boost to you're business if you're anywhere near one of the stations.

Hippies aren't the only ones who ride bikes. It's a healthy lifestyle especially as you get older, and Florida has one of the best environments for biking in the country. Besides that there will be other options than just bikes. Ride shares, Buses, Corporate Vans, Taxi's, pedicabs and of course walking, are all on the table as options for people looking to get where they need to go as I've covered previously.
Welcome to the I-4 Warzone...

The rail was designed and built for hard working people. These people didn't have any real options before, and now they do.

This train is big business... and if you do any research you learn just how many developments this project is bringing to Central Florida. So, let the naysayers yell insults and barbs from their cars jammed on I-4 in LA style traffic jams during rush hour come January 2015.

You won't be able to hear them as you cruise to work on a clean, well maintained, smooth ride. Your car will still be waiting for you on the weekends, and it'll have less wear and tear from a daily commute, saving both gas and maintenance costs.

One more note: you can be confident in Sunrail's staying power not just because of past success of similar rail systems, but also because this project is fully funded by FDOT for the next 7 years no matter what the naysayers say.

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